Jake Klinkenborg


Jake Klinkenborg, Cellist

Vancouver Cello Player

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Expand Never Stop— August 13th!

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Collision Tapes was formed in 2020 during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. The duo consists of David John Brady, a producer working from Leeds, UK, and cellist Jake Klinkenborg, based out of Vancouver, Canada. The two have never met in person, working entirely by internet.

David is a composer, producer, and classical pianist with multiple solo releases. He draws inspiration from musicians ranging from Bach to Bonobo to Olafur Arnalds. He loves astrophysics and science fiction and using cassette tapes.

Jake works mostly as a classical cellist, but has also performed and recorded for rap groups, EDM headliners, and folk and rock bands. His favorite plant is the round-leaved sundew, which captures and consumes insects using tiny, sticky, hairs.

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